Lipton Kosher ranch mix
Mix on tub or vegan sour cream and one packet of Kosher ranch mix.
Tip-Other ranch mix has buttermilk, you can find the Lipton Kosher Ranch dry mix in the
Kosher section.
Tip-Great on sandwiches, dipping chips, chicken nuggets and even on a pizza.
Mac is intolerant to tomatoes and he loved ketchup so we had to find an alternative for dipping FF, chicken nuggets etc. You can get vegan sour cream in your soy section of most grocery stores. We used to use a regular dry ranch mix but they changed the recipe and started adding buttermilk. Always check labels, they can change the ingredients at any time. So then we found the Kosher Ranch Mix by Lipton. Mac even likes this mixed into his peas and spinach. Enjoy!